
Difference between OSI and TCP/IP Model

What is OSI model? Before going into OSI model e ill learn hitory of networking. In history there were two companies whose computer were used i.e, DECnet solution and IBM solutions.   Suppose there is company who uses these two computers and they want to transfer data from DECnet to IBM computer then they don't support and information is not sent i.e, different computer having different operating system doesn't share information.  So to resolve this problem ISO(International Organization for Standardization) in 1984 developed OSI(Open System Interconnection) model based on layered approach. To understand the meaning of layered approach consider example, A company is divided into many department to continue smooth work.Like this to continue smooth communication different layers are defined for different purpose. o it is called layered approach.  In OSI model there are seven different layers . The main purpose of OSI model is how data and network information ...